I remember that day as if it was yesterday, instead of 13
years ago. I was four-months pregnant
with my last child when I got the call that one of the Towers of the World
Trade Center was hit. I immediately ran to turn on the TV, my stomach in knots.
I saw the image of the left tower hit and then a plane hit the right tower as
the reporter continued to give accounts and show the live footage. And then,
all of a sudden, these massive towers collapsed one after the other. My mouth
dropped in disbelieve; tears rolled down my eyes, and my belly started cramping
All I could think about was my family in New York, was
everyone safe? Were people able to make it out alive? And then more news, the
Pentagon was attacked, and another hijacked plane was heading to the White
House but was heroically brought down in Pennsylvania by a “few good men”. What
was our world coming to? Who would do this? We were told, terrorist from the
Middle East. The reasons why really didn’t matter, all we knew is that the
mighty United States was vulnerable. We were not safe and foreigners that looked,
walked, or seemed Middle Eastern were responsible.
It made sense that the United States would go on lockdown,
after that unspeakable tragedy. The creation and upgrade of Homeland Security
was a necessity. As was the right for all
intelligence agencies to invade our privacy via internet, phone, cell phones,
mail, etc. America was right to call for immediate retribution. It didn’t
matter that a thorough investigation was not conducted, we wanted justice. And it was alright to ostracize anyone who
looked like the culprits. We were fearful and fighting for our lives. It wasn’t
safe to fly any more not even in-country; it wasn’t safe to travel out of the
country; our government couldn’t even protect itself, the Pentagon. We
understood the need to tighten security at our borders to make sure the terrorist
could not do a repeat attack.
And then the rumors started—the United States was tipped off
about the threat and did nothing about it. That there was a third building,
Building 7 that fell similar to a planned demolition that had nothing to do
with the collapse of the Towers. That the destruction of the Towers was
predicted years ago, so it was just prophecy being fulfilled. And the worst of
the rumors was that the terrorist attack on 9/11 was an inside job. There was
no terrorist. The airplane crashes were holographic-movie-making-fiction with
real explosives already planted in the towers and Building 7.
They say hindsight is 20/20 so I have to admit, when I think
back to that day seeing the Towers fall the way they did, I did wonder if there
was some truth to those rumors. I just couldn't understand how the buildings fell from ground up instead of from top
down. But I’m no physics major, so I threw the thought out of the window. And
anyways why would the Government do that to its own people?
Thirteen years later, the rumors ring true after all. Too
many whistleblowers have put out videos, written evidence, and all kinds of
facts that have proven the elaborate, costly, destructive hoax was orchestrated
by our own Government. The big question
is WHY?
Ever since that day, 9/11/2001, the world became a cauldron
of all types of acceptable violence. Country invasions in the name of justice
and security became the new norm. And we started living in a constant state of
fear. We condoned the actions of our
Government without truly questioning why because they were protecting us and
the future of our world.
However, in hindsight, if we are honest with ourselves, we
would see that 9/11, as horrific as it was, was orchestrated by our very own
government, to IMPLANT FEAR in us. It was the type of fear that would not have
us question how and why our constitutional rights were being altered. It’s the
type of fear that justifies the corrupt and dirty practices of law enforcement and
government officials. And it’s the type of fear that condones the illegal
invasion of the Middle East or any other country that interferes with the goal
of world domination for security and self-preservation.
Since 9/11, the 1% filthy rich continue to grow richer and
the middle class are now part of the 99% poor. The economy is inflated with
fictitious money and escalating debt of which there seems to be no end. The
implantation of fear has given us tunnel vision, them against us, when in fact
we are ALL puppets on the same Matrix string.
Emotional feelings like fear and anger keep us in a constant
state of stress and anxiety that our ability to see or judge clearly is
clouded. In her book, Freedom From Fear, author Aung San Suu Kyi, states, “It
is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who
wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it”.
She also states, “Within a system which denies the
existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day. Fear of
imprisonment, fear of torture, fear of death, fear of losing friends, family,
property or means of livelihood, fear of poverty, fear of isolation, fear of
failure. A most insidious form of fear is that which masquerades as common
sense or even wisdom, condemning as foolish, reckless, insignificant or futile
the small, daily acts of courage which help to preserve man's self-respect and
inherent human dignity. It is not easy for a people conditioned by fear under
the iron rule of the principle that might is right to free themselves from the
enervating miasma of fear. Yet even under the most crushing state machinery
courage rises up again and again, for fear is not the natural state of civilized
Fear is not our natural state, LOVE is. And where there is
Love there is logic, reason, justice, and courage. It is hard to face the ugly
truth about 9/11 but it is the truth. And knowing this truth will set us free
to see clearly and break free from the Matrix of lies, greed, and power. We
will see that the Middle East was not the ones to be blamed for the attacks or
for the unjustified invasion of their countries. They were just as innocent as
those who were victims of 9/11.
So where do we go from here? How do we start to mend it all
and create the world we know we were meant to live in?
With any change we need to start with "the man in the mirror", ourselves. The information on how we can achieve this is available. We just need to keep an openmind and heart. There are many wayshowers/teachers who are committed to helping us to reach the goal of peace, love and compassion for ourselves and in turn it will automatically spread to humanity.
Here are a few:
Patricia Cota-Robles - www.eraofpeace.org
Matt Khan - www.truedivinenature.com
Sheldan Nidle - www.paoweb.com
Golden Age of Gaia - www.goldenageofgaia.com
Here are a few:
Patricia Cota-Robles - www.eraofpeace.org
Matt Khan - www.truedivinenature.com
Sheldan Nidle - www.paoweb.com
Golden Age of Gaia - www.goldenageofgaia.com
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