Today, May 28th, 2014 one of our beloved Master Teachers, Dr. Maya Angelou, has taken her ascent. Most may know her as a famous poet, however she was a dancer, a singer, a model, and a social activist. She has positively inspired so many.
Her family made this statement on Maya Angelou’s Facebook page:
“Thursday, May 28, 2014
Statement from Dr. Maya Angelou’s Family:
Dr. Maya Angelou passed quietly in her home before 8:00 a.m. EST. Her family is extremely grateful that her ascension was not belabored by a loss of acuity or comprehension. She lived a life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being. She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace. The family is extremely appreciative of the time we had with her and we know that she is looking down upon us with love.
Guy B. Johnson”
One of my favorite poems by Maya Angelou is “Caged Bird” which for some reason I always call “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. That was actually the title of her memoir and autobiographical movie. It's a universal poem for many because at some point in our lives we can relate to the caged bird. For me, my cage changed over time, at first it was my parents, then it became my religion, my lack of education, my finances, but ultimately it was myself. My judgments, my preconceived ideas, my lack of compassion, love, and forgiveness towards myself and others. Ultimately, what I longed for was freedom and unconditional love.
The movie, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", inspired me to speak my truth, to not be ashamed of the dark crevices of my life, and use every experience as a stepping stone to becoming a better me.
I encourage you to read three of her poems which I included in this blog, “Caged Bird”, “Still I Rise”, and “Phenomenal Woman”. Ask yourself these questions as you reflect on those poems: Did they inspire you? Do they make you look at your life to see how far you've come or the journey you still need to make? Do they make you want to break out of limitation of any kind and embrace your strength, your truth? Then say with me, “Well-done Maya Angelou”!
In tribute to our beloved Ascended Master Maya Angelou, I would like to share links to some of her quotes and three of her famous poems. Her legacy should be celebrated, remembering the love she extended to every one she crossed through her words, poetry, and speech.
Maya Angelou’s Quotes compliments of Black America Web and Brainy Quotes.
Maya Angelou’s Poems compliments of The Poetry Foundation.
In closing I want to say, I am a phenomenal woman that knows why the caged bird sings and still I rise every day to share the freedom, joy, and prosperity of Love that is me. I can emphatically say I am no longer a caged bird. My wings are spread wide, flying and gliding freely in the vast heavens. Bless you Dr. Maya Angelou.
You can visit her official website for information of her works and her biography
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