If you haven’t started the 2015 New Year with a whole
NEW lease on life, guess what? It’s not too late.
2015 is going to be the best year ever! How do I know this?
Because you INTEND it to be so. That's all it takes, your declaration of
intention that 2015 will be the best year of your life and the beginning of a
NEW You!!
Over the last few years I joined with many other Lightworkers to do my
part in exposing the truth about the governments of the world and all the
corrupt practices going on across the globe. I encouraged readers to start
doing their own research, to expand their awareness, and most importantly, to
start to dream again. To not believe in the stories the “media outlets”
continue to spread, that the world is in failure mode or that life won’t get any
better (7.5 billion people have not lost hope and have not failed). To see the world system or Matrix for what it really is, a manufactured world of lack, famine, war, shortages,
etc. for control and manipulation of the masses by the 1% super wealthy
Our souls/beings were created in the image of our
Creator, Love – that is our Origin. It is the “matter” from which we were
created. We never lost Love, however we have been programmed to believe we did.
We have been programmed to believe we are not enough, we are not worthy, and we
are unloveable. This program of self-hatred has been promulgated by our media
outlets (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, internet), our governments, our
educational systems, our religious factions, and last but not the least our
Deep inside we know this to be true, that we are LOVE.
And now knowing we were programmed to not feel our true essence should encourage us to release ourselves from the negative influences to get back to our original state. Yet, what we need is a different approach….something
NEW. We’ve been taught that in order to bring about change we have to “take it
by force” (LOVE does not force) or we have to “fight for our rights” (LOVE does
not take away free will).
Yes, I get what that means, however look at what it has
created….endless cycles of “flight and fight” “revolutions” “civil unrest”.
Martin Luther King Jr. was on the right path….that of peace and love. He
understood the fight was not physical but psychological. What you think, see and feel is what you become
and what you create around you. So if you think, feel and see that you are
worthless, then everything around you becomes that way. If you think, feel and
see that you are not enough than that is what the world becomes. Just imagine
what would have happened had the 1% super wealthy been able to program 7.5
billion people to replicate patterns of self-hatred?
The point is, we are ALIVE, we are HERE for a REASON,
and we are and always have been LOVE. LOVE is all we need.
This year, 2015, we need to focus on loving what our
Creator made -- ourselves, our loving the planet, Mother Earth, and all living beings.
But how do we
FOCUS on LOVE in a world were tragedies are happening all around us?
This is where I want to introduce an article about Dr.
Ihaleakala Hew Len who cured a criminally insane mental ward in two years
without seeing one patient.
Read his story here : Ho’oponopono Prayer by Dr. IhaleakalaHew Len written by Dr. Joe Vitale.
Why is this article so relevant to making 2015 a year of
NEW Beginnings? It shows us a simple way to focus on shedding the programs of
self-hatred for ourselves and the world (humanity) by focusing on LOVE,
The Ho’oponopono prayer says “I love you, I’m sorry,
Please Forgive Me, and Thank You”. Simple, right, but who says changing
ourselves and changing our world has to be complicated (“The self-hatred
program” does).
Take note: Dr. Hew Len, one man, did this for many souls just by
focusing on the part of him that created them. Amazing right? Love is a much
more powerful tool than what it is portrayed to be.
Let’s break this down into real-life application.
First, we begin with ourselves. We know that what we think, feel, see about
ourselves co-creates our world. We are responsible for how we react to someone
or something else. No one is responsible for your choices but you. So when we
are seeing or feeling things about ourselves that are unloving, we can use the
Ho’oponopono prayer to uproot them.
For example, I forgot my best friend’s birthday again for
the 3rd year in a row (fictional story by the way). I felt bad and
thought myself to be the worst friend ever. She must hate me, I always forget hers
but she never forgets mine. I’m so disgusted with myself for always forgetting.
That’s a lot of self-hatred going on there. Can you sense
the feelings all that is bringing up? How far back in your childhood do you
think can you trace feelings like that?
Take those feelings and say to yourself “I love you” I know your origin
is love; “I’m sorry” I take responsibility for feeling this way; “Please
forgive me” I choose not to feel this way anymore and give those unloving
feelings to the Divine to take away and dissolved, leaving only Pure Love and
compassion; and “Thank you” I am grateful for this experience of soul growth
and shedding the layers of self-hatred.
Secondly, we can also apply this to what we see going on
in the world. The tragedies happening every day that are getting the media
coverage (keep in mind that it is rigged that way to keep us in a psychological
state of hopelessness) that keep us on an emotional roller coaster of hatred,
anger, injustice, disgust, helplessness, hopelessness, etc. We point fingers to
the perpetrators and say they are the cause continuing the cycle of blame and shame along with the cycle of self-hatred in believing you can’t do anything
to change it.
In these situations, we can use the Ho’oponopono prayer
as we watch injustice unfold or read about it or hear
about it. The feelings that are conjured up that are UNLOVING (goes against the
grain of who/how we were created) we say…
“I love you” You were created in the image of likeness of
Our Creator regardless of your actions now….
“I’m sorry” I may not know the origin of what created the
experience you are feeling but I take responsibility for experiencing those
same feelings in my being….
“Please forgive me” Forgive me for any part I may have
played known or unknown in my actions, attitude, feelings that continues to
feed the negative energies those feelings have produced repeatedly. I give it
to the Divine to dissolve leaving only Pure Love and compassion.
“Thank you” For helping me to see the levels of self-hatred
that come up for me in how I view others and myself to help me continue to grow
to be a reflection of the Creator, All That Is.
As Dr. Hew Len said “I take the feeling, the
complaint. I don’t hold it within, I don’t give it to the other person, or
company. I take it to the Divine.”
We have the power to make this year the best year of our
lives and the best this planet has ever seen.
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