Friday, September 25, 2015

Signs of the Times – The Last Days or New Beginnings?

Both sayings are familiar phrases that have us in a state of limbo or so it seems.

For the religious person it means the end of the world physically and the second coming of Christ. For the spiritual persons it means the end of the third dimension and the launching of the first wave of ascension. To the heart-consciously aware it means more changes, more growth, more self-loving and more anchoring. To everyone else it means something has got to give because it’s getting harder and harder to live in survival mode as many are at the end of their rope.

Interestingly enough, each one of these groups are correct and expressing the same thing in their own unique way.  The full understanding of what each means usually comes after deadlines have passed but the bottom line is change is in the air, the signs are everywhere and we are definitely in the last days of something.

 We are stepping into a time of new awareness. The masses are realizing that things do not happen literally the way we’ve been taught or according to how we are told they would happen. Being creatures of HABIT, the majority of us rely on the tradition of “show me proof so I can believe” instead of relying on the built-in truth gauge we were born with, OUR INTUITION our ability to believe by feeling and sensing the energetic changes within our Being and that is our proof.

For instance the year 2012 was predicted to be the end of the world, according to theologians, the new agers, the spiritual teachers, etc. Even astrologers predicted it. The everyday people who don’t follow any specific teachings could feel it in the air and see it through the calamities happening all around them that something climatic was afoot. Yet, here we are three years later and according to what our third dimensional eyes can see we are still here, the earth didn’t dissolve, Christ didn’t come in the clouds of glory…so there were no changes because there was no physical evidence.