Did you know you had options? According to an article in Huffington Post, What You Need To Know About Obamacare's Individual Mandate (And How Much It Costs To Ignore It), there are 14 categorized exemptions that will keep you from the fee penalty of the Individual Mandate for not having insurance coverage for 2014. Great news, right? Maybe.
It solves one problem only, no fees will be taken out of your next years taxes. So where does this leaves you as far as coverage goes? According to the Obamacare representative at Healthcare.gov, "we recommend you go to community health clinics". Not a win-win situation. Matter of fact, for the 20% that do not have healthcare, you find yourself in the same predicament you were in before Obamacare was even presented, a catch 22.
As the saying goes, "damned if you do, damned if you don't". So what are your options when there really are no options?